"The greatest efforts in sports came when the mind is as still as a glass lake."
–Timothy Gallwey
Ask any athlete, and they will tell you that their performance declines as distractions, anxiety, and pain increase. Floating has been used by many athletes and sports organizations in the past. Most notable are Carl Lewis, the Philadelphia Eagles and Philadelphia Phillies, the Dallas Cowboys, and several Olympic teams.
Floating has been shown to improve athletic performance by:
- Increasing physical relaxation which leads to greater stamina, speed, strength, and coordination.
- Reducing injuries due to over training or muscular tension and imbalance.
- Enhancing the body’s ability to recover from injuries and the normal stress of intensive exercise.
- Speeding recovery by reducing lactic acid buildup, and eliminating post-competition letdown.
- Improving coordination and performance skills due to in-tank visualization and guided imagery rehearsal.
- Elevating the athlete’s mental state through increased confidence, concentration, calmness and poise.
Adapted from The Book of Floating by Michael Hutchison